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Seven reasons why you should consider LuTEC High School

Writer's picture: toddmoritztoddmoritz

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Yes, I am biased. As the Founding Director, my fingerprints are all over the LuTEC concept and model. I have been in full time Christian Ministry leading churches and schools for 25 years. I have three business degrees, passed the Certified Public Accountant exam and am a Minister of Religion (Teacher) in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. I get students, I love the church and know that we must do things differently.

Founding Director, Todd Moritz

Life has changed. A lot. I graduated college in 1981. I never touched a computer. My pride and joy was a calculator that had a printer. Fax machines cost nearly $3,000 and could only transmit one page of information at a time. And yet in education, not much has changed - and that has to stop. We sit in rows, listen to a lecture, change classes when a bell rings, memorize information to spit it out on a test … you get the idea.

In the 1970’s there was a big push for getting students into college. The need was great and government funding followed. And because of a number of factors, the increase in the price of college has far outstripped wage growth. But times are different now and the need for skilled trades and non-college Career Education and Technology positions is high and getting higher.

LuTEC High School offers a very different approach from traditional high school and traditional trade school education. We are “Rethinking Education”.

LuTEC provides a personalized high school educational experience, delivered through a robust curriculum focused on relevant technology, flexible studies, and practical knowledge to prepare any learner for a career and rewarding life in service to community. This is achieved and practiced through the foundational values and beliefs of the Christian faith.

So why should you or your student choose LuTEC? Seven reasons:

A Personalized Approach

With an intentionally small school environment of 15 to 20 students per grade, we focus on the individual student. Highly qualified teachers lead our robust selection of offerings through a 20-year-old tested online environment. Our teachers are all Christians with significant experience / education in their content area. They have daily office hours for student support. Class sizes are small.

A full time Academic Learning Guide (Master Degree in Education with an emphasis on Career and Technical Education) is on site to work with your students every step of the way. Their job is to eliminate and problems that are interfering with learning. Daily they check in with every student, monitor progress and remove obstacles.

Classes are selected that meet the students’ interest and career objectives. There is no one size fits all approach at LuTEC.

Career Ready

All students will be prepared for a career, whether that is right out of high school or continuing to higher education. Face to face training occurs in personal finance, digital citizenship, online footprints, artificial intelligence, resume writing, interviewing skills and so much more.

Three career paths are offered to students, all modified to fit their needs.

For those interested in moving into the work force quickly, the Diploma / Skilled Trades Path gives students the basic academic skills needed to meet and exceed California requirements. Theology is taught face to face each year and Consumer Finance and Technology taught face to face in their first year. Practical, hands-on experience / internships is coordinated during the junior and senior years. Students have the option of graduating in three years if they are so motivated.

Not sure what God may have in store for the future? The Community College Path may be best for this student. They receive the same approach as the Diploma Path but take additional academic courses that set them up to be accepted and successful in the Community College environment. At the time of this writing, Community College is virtually free in the State of California.

For those students desiring a career that will require a four-year college degree, our University of California Path will be right for them. Students will be on a strong academic path that will qualify them to be considered to the most prestigious universities in the country. Honors and Advanced Placement course offerings abound. Internships and hands on experiences are still provided in the last two years of their high school education, but more focused in their academic area of interest.

Flexible Scheduling

Our goal is to help you learn whenever and wherever is best for you and to work with your family to accommodate everyone’s needs.

Our school is open Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4:30pm. Required daily attendance is from 10:00am to 2:00pm. That is when we do face to face course work (Theology and Career), chapel, devotions, lunch and relationships. Flexible schedules are also available for off campus career development activities. Fridays often include off campus opportunities.

Excellence in Education

All our core courses are University of California approved. Our courses are designed to meet the highest national standards for quality online courses and our online instructors are held to high expectations. Online course instructors have daily office hours for students. One of our well qualified staff members is always present during school hours to help students solve any learning challenges. Our online program was developed 20 years ago and undergoes continues improvement. When the pandemic hit and most schools were caught flatfooted, we were already prepared.

Technologically Rich

Not just the learning of technology with great tools, but the practical application and ethics of technology.

Students are issued a Chromebook laptop which is theirs to use 24/7/365 while enrolled at LuTEC. Upon graduation, the device is theirs to keep. On campus we have high speed fiber internet access with robust firewalls and outdoor access as well.

We know that using technology can be a blessing and perhaps a challenge. We embrace technology to enhance learning and bless society but ensure that students understand the potential dangers that can occur. Knowing your digital footprint, putting limits on gaming, using social media effectively and properly are just some of the areas we cover.

Academically we provide practical use training in the basics for all students including certifications is products such as Google Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms and other frequently used software programs. Our optional course work can be broad or deep depending on the interests and desires of the students. We have several partners that help us deliver the best in technology education. Course work available include Google Coursework, Cybersecurity, Coding, Computer Aided Design, Digital Animation and more!

Traditional Christian Values

We believe in the timeless values of right and wrong. Helping students process through our quickly changing culture and its morality is a great exercise in critical thinking. How does one understand their values and faith – and have a reasonable conversation with others who may have a differing view?

We use the Bible as the standard for all we do. We believe it is the inerrant, inspired Word of God. The most important commandment of all comes from Jesus where He tells us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

Our school is open to all. We won’t tell our students what to believe and not believe. But we will use scripture to define who we are as a school and challenge students to think and analyze for themselves.

Theology classes are taught face to face by trained teachers, commissioned ministers and pastors. All new students will take our Basic Christian Beliefs class during their first year. Other classes through their journey at LuTEC may include New Testament, Old Testament, World Religions, Apologetics, Servant Leadership and more.


A high-quality Christian education can be very expensive. And the approach that we take is high support and high touch. Yet we are committed to keep our tuition low and as affordable as possible.

Our 2022 / 2023 “all in” tuition (only nominal fees for a few digital textbooks and some field trips) was under $11,000. Comparable tuition of local Christian High Schools ranged from $14,412 to $18,625

In summary, LuTEC provides an individualized and flexible Christian high school education poised to prepare any learner for a career and life. We are Career Centered; Student Focused; Faith Guided. We not only prepare student for a career, but also for life lived abundantly (John 10:10).

At LuTEC, we are “Rethinking Education”.

For more information, visit our website at or call us at (562) 204-6538. Contact Todd Moritz personally at

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